A Sustainable Wedding Venue
Committed To Making A Difference
Being a sustainable wedding venue is of utmost importance due to its significant impact on the environment and local communities. We are a multi-award-winning Worcestershire wedding venue and take pride in our efforts to strive for an eco-friendly approach to your big day.
As couples plan their dream weddings, it’s crucial to consider the environmental and social implications of their choices.
As an eco-friendly wedding venue, we are dedicated to upholding our responsibility for the environmental impact of weddings, and our team is passionate about taking meaningful action to protect our planet. This commitment drives us to implement sustainable practices and be proactive in mitigating our environmental footprint, making us a responsible choice for couples who value eco-consciousness in their wedding planning.
“Our mission at Manor Hill House is to be a sustainable wedding venue that creates unforgettable moments. We are committed to minimising our environmental impact and promoting responsible practices that contribute to a healthier planet’
Ethically Sourced
All our produce is seasonal, free range and as locally sourced as possible. Our lamb, beef and pork is sourced from local farms across Worcestershire, Gloucestershire and Bromsrgrove. We also use a local dairy to provide all of our delicious ice creams.
We work very closely alongside our dedicated chef who is keen to reduce waste and be fully involved in how we source all of our produce.
For each of our couples, we always thrive to offer multiple vegetarian and vegan options for their wedding menu to encourage a more sustainable way of eating.
Zero Waste
We are very lucky to have our beautiful horse Yohan, who lives at Manor Hill House. The horse manure is recycled in the garden as a natural fertiliser and also given to local farmers.
We also recycle our decorations and provide them free of charge to our couples so they don’t have to simply purchase the items for one day. We have great relationships with suppliers who also hire out wedding decor. We avoid single-use plastic, if single-use plates are used they’re bio-compostable.
We even reuse our vegetable trimmings to feed our employees’ rabbits!
Chemical Free
Manor Hill House prioritises sustainability by using chemical-free products in our operations, ensuring that our weddings are not only beautiful but also environmentally responsible.
All cleaning products are chemical-free. Our bathroom products are paraben and chemical free and refilled in recyclable bottles.
We keep all our laundry in house, not only making it more effective for our energy usage but also so we can have better control of what products we are using to ensure we continue to be sustainably conscious with our everyday decision-making.
Sustainable Wedding Venue
We are dedicated to creating magical weddings that leave a positive legacy for future generations, inspiring couples to celebrate their love while making a positive impact on the environment and local communities.
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